Article 187 A People's Court of second instance shall form a collegial panel and open a court session to hear a case of appeal. 第一百八十七条第二审人民法院对上诉案件,应当组成合议庭,开庭审理。
In accordance with the principle, the court of second instance must review the facts found or the law applied by the court of first instance though the parties make no appeal or the prosecution makes no protest. 这个原则作为一种制度,使二审法院必须要对当事人没有上诉、检察机关也没有抗诉的一审判决中认定的事实部分或法律适用部分进行全面的审理。
The modern level system, in fact, demonstrates same principles or similar ways to configuring functions, takes the form of pyramidal criminal justice system, and the three-level courts consist of court of first instance, court of appeal and the supreme court. 现代审级制度在实质上体现着相同的原理或相似的功能配置方式,即大体均为三审终审的金字塔型审判系统,且三级法院分别由初审法院、上诉法院、最高法院构成。
The first is to establish the first instance of Final Appeal, the second instance is final and three trial tenure combining a wide range of trial-level system, followed by the establishment of the retrial system adaptation with the diversification of the trial-level structure. 首先是建立一审终审、两审终审和三审终身制相结合的多元化的审级制度,其次是建立与多元化审级结构相适应的再审制度。
Next summarize details of a case, judgment of first instance and the opinions of parties in appeal. 其次简述了基本案情、该案一审法院的判决和二审过程中争议双方的上诉理由。